I registered alone. Literally alone. My mother just dropped me off at the main university. With plenty documents in my hand, I tried to look as calm as I could that day. Of course it was a nervous and some what important event of my life. Registering to college, for the first time. Alone. Haha, but I'm used to it, doing stuff alone. To summarize it all up, everyone was wonderful, friendly. I'm really glad by that part; friendly people. The orientation mainly revolved around "subjects briefing, scholarship application, how to choose suitable subjs" etc etc. It was okay, but kinda boring. But I was so glad there's no crappy orientation event like aerobic, ragging and whatnot.
Enough with orientation story (it was a 2 day orientation). It has been almost two weeks since class has started. I got to say that I feel kinda lost in class. I've been placed in a specific group for the recipients, which is Group K. I don't even know what's the point of them doing that. Why can't they just let us mix with others too. Okay, maybe I won't see the reason now, but hopefully one day I'll understand. Being in those group, like I said, really make me feel small, inferior somehow. They are so ultimately genius kiddos. It took me some times to recall back what I've learnt, and I usually don't have answers when the lecturer asked random Qs. I feel really low. But I know this is good. This kind of feeling will eventually boost my spirit, thus creating a good momentum.
I met so many wonderful people here. I can't name them all, ahaha. I love my college mates. I know it's only been a week or so since we know each other, but they're really nice. I can't help it but to give them my love :p I hope this kind of social circle I'm having will maintain, or maybe better after this. But *sigh*, I still miss my school play mates, I miss you girls, you know who you are. I wish we went to the same college. Hihi, that would be fun right.
As for studies, I don't know what got into me nowadays. I feel like I've lost my good, positive aura within me. I've absolutely no mood to study. This is not good. The only time where I would study is during lectures. Back to hostel, or home, it's really hard to study. Look at me now, I should be studying instead of typing this. hahaha. I've to get my mojo back in studying. It's a must. I'm not a kiasu like what some people claimed me to be. It's just that, I've my reason why I've to study really hard, and constant. My brain works differently from others. It's a bit slow, and it requires lots of revising, memorising and stuff like that to increase its efficiency. I know my capability. I've my own way of studying. Maybe some of you guys are born-genius, lucky those people. Anyway, after this, back to revising. I think I've forgot almost 50% of the past lectures. Hahaha.
Oh yeah, during weekdays I'm staying at Help Residency. My room mate won't be back until September. How cool is that? Having the room to yourself, all the time. Not cool, I'm a freaking Scaredy Cat. It was hard during my first day there, hahaha, especially when the air-cond keeps making loud noises. Anyway, good things come in the morning. I live on level 12. And I can see nice scenery through my window. :)
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7+ am in the morning :) |
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The sun is about to rise! |
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Night view, and also I found out that my iPad's camera is able to take bokeh pics, how wonderful! |
Amir left yesterday. He got the offer to India for Medicine and I believed he was forced to accept the offer. I don't know what to say. Personally, I think one should have the right to plan their own future, and voice out their own opinion. But anyhow, everything happens for a reason. We might not see it now, but we will, in the future. Good luck future Dr. Amir. You'll do great.
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Last photo of him at Help Uni |
I think that's about it. Will update from time to time. All of the photos above were taken using my iPad's camera. Starting to love the camera :)