I'm not pointing this to anyone. In fact nobody has been a two faced bitch towards me, as far as I know. Someone closely related to me has been back-stabbed by her own used to be best friend. In fact, some of my best friend had experienced this too.
Me, being too concern about this issue, have decided to speak out tonight! Haha bajet jewwwww!
Anyway why do you want to be a two-faced bitch by any chance? Sorry if I'm calling you Bitch, but that is the only word suits with you! Serves you well, a civilized human won't be a two-faced. You might said that by calling someone Bitch would make me an uncivilized human too. But let's look it this way, don't just point the word 'Bitch' as someone who is slutty, sexy, prostitute and stuff like that. For me, the word Bitch refer to an uncivilized woman who does not know how to behave like a woman and tend to do things that upset other people. Not fair.
Why do you want to be a two-faced person? :( Oh I know, you are too "Coward" to confront the people you are not satisfied with. In front of him/her, you will act nicely, and you seem to have an attitude like a saint. Asalannya, niat mu baik kan, yakni tak nak menyakitkan hati orang tu, ataupun terlampau takut untuk bercakap? As a result, you will keep it to yourself and act like nothing happened.
At one fine moment, you just can't keep it to yourself anymore, you feel like exploding. You wish to freeze the time, and hit that person in the face. And you will feel satisfied. But you just can't. You really don't know what to do. You hate her but at the same time you don't want to hurt her. Funny shit! Then, what do you do after that?
Wrong moves sister, you go to other people, you let it out every thing, every single shits that you have been keeping in your raging heart. Often, you will exaggerate things, making the story more interesting to be heard, and by that way, you are influencing that people to believe you. To actually believe you that you are 100% right and the other is 100% wrong and she/he is a complete devil. Whoah that person buys your story, he/she believes you and they started to plant a thought in their mind that
OH MY, saying that person and this person really makes things go hair wire haha. Lets name the two faced person as LUCY and the one she's unsatisfied as NINA and the person Lucy confessed is MARIA. Okay? haha
So, at last Maria buys Lucy's story. And Maria started to plant a thought in her mind that Nina is a bitch, Nina is the devil, Nina is wrong, this and that. Whoah hold it right there, this is what we called mengaibkan orang. Bukankah Islam mengajar kita untuk tidak mengaibkan orang lain? *Angel-face* Okay sambung cerita, so the story goes on and one. Lucy feels satisfied that Maria believes her and on her side. The satisfaction in her has created a driving force and urges her to let it out to other person.
And the story goes on and on..
So the rumours spread. Everyone believes Lucy. Everyone thinks that Nina is a bad person. Walhal, mereka hanya mendengar daripada satu side, masakan mahu mengejudge sebegitu cepat? Oh, tidak adil. Lucy's rage and anger towards Nina maybe has been decreased. She's fine now and she's glad that Nina doesn't know a single things. Everything's settle already.
Whoah, pause it right there!
Stupid Lucy, she actually hurts Nina worse by doing that. Bad news travel fast, of course Nina will knows about all the rumours spread about her. Bila Nina knows about this, *BOOOM* Things get worse, gaduh here and there. Semua persahabatan musnah begitu sahaja, just because of a single wrong move that Lucy did at the first place.
Stupid Lucy, she actually hurts Nina worse by doing that. Bad news travel fast, of course Nina will knows about all the rumours spread about her. Bila Nina knows about this, *BOOOM* Things get worse, gaduh here and there. Semua persahabatan musnah begitu sahaja, just because of a single wrong move that Lucy did at the first place.
Well, if only Lucy confront Nina at the first place and settle everything. She won't be labelled as a two-faced bitch. In fact, she will be labelled as good friend because good friend will always reminds you and corrects you. But she just screwed it all.
Haha, maaflah panjang beno post ni. Emo terlebih ni. Kesian that someone, she doesn't deserves all the panggilan, and tuduhan yang begitu kejam!
Ya Allah, lindungilah kawan-kawanku dan kaum kerabatku, amin.