Friday, December 16, 2011

One step closer.

Hello, after all the emo post(s) lol, now here I am, tak emo dah. ahaa.

So, recently I can see that lots of my friends finally change their path, to a be a better person. How can we define a 'better' person? When it comes to defining, of course there are lots of definition, points of view and opinion regarding a 'better' person. But in this case, I would like to specified on this area; wearing a headscarf.

Yes, everyone knows the fact that wearing a headscarf is something compulsory, it's not an option. But lots of people today thought there is actually an option; whether to wear or not, its their choice (including me actually). I know it is a wrong thing to do. To be honest, I live in guilt okay, every time I want to step out of the house, guilt surrounds me, part of me really wants to head back inside and wear a headscarf, but another part of me saying it's okay, maybe I'm not ready for the big change, yet. And thus majority goes to the 2nd part of me.

If you ask me, I really don't know when is actually the best time for me to change? I really should change :( But I don't know.. I'm not ready yet, this is something big, something new for me, going outside covering every single strands of my hair. I don't want to be like certain girls today. From what I observed, some people wear their headscarf because they are following the current fashion trends. For instant, some girls wear their headscarf, but they wear outfit which are not suitable for muslimah. Tight, not covering their hands, arms, transparent, those are some characteristic of clothes that are not suitable for muslimah. I don't understand why they wear headscarf just to follow the fashion trend. To me, wearing headscarf is something that is really noble, something that leads me closer to Allah, I don't need to follow the current fashion trend to be closer to Allah, do I? And when that one fine day come, I really want to change for good, I want to change my personality, my attitude, everything. I really want to be closer to my Creator.

And that is why I am kind of sad looking at some girls wearing headscarf but their personality does not represent a good muslimah. I'm not saying I'm going to be a very good muslimah, but we have to minus all the obvious negative things, kan?

Guys, please pray that I have enough strength and guts to wear a headscarf, to maintain it, and to be a better muslimah soon? And I pray that all my friends will change to a better person, from bad to good, from good to better, from better to the best. :)



  1. i'll pray for you :') and i believe you can be a better muslimah and you'll look pretty with headscarf. goodluck. wish you all the best ^^

  2. Good luck dear. that day will come =) just pray for the best.

    and i misssss you badly.

  3. atikah you can do it! trust me :DD ill pray for u, pray for me as well !

  4. ehee yes, ill pray for both of us <3 :)

  5. Goooooooodluckkkk Tikaa. Boleh boleh <3

  6. Salam and hi tika!
    I was blogwalking (I don't own a blogspot acc) and I saw this entry of yours.
    I totally understand how you feel, I used to feel the same thing. It's hard, I know.
    But coming to Taiping really changed me inside out and at first I was scared.
    To be honest, I wasn't scared of wearing tudung, but I was afraid of my friends and relatives and of course, my ex. I kept thinking that it's a nuisance, having to buy new clothes and all. Wear socks, cover your arm and the chest part completely.. Gosh.
    But I put that all aside cause I know that I'm nothing next to God, and I felt guilty to doa everyday, yet I'm doing something that he forbids.
    So take your time, and do wear the tudung and cover your aurat properly, as ikhlas as possible kay?
    Think of your mom and dad, yourself and your future husband (hihi). To me, I'd want mine to have the best, something that no other men has ever seen. Save the best for the best. I hope you get what I mean. (:
    Don't get me wrong kay? Not trying to bash you or anything, I'm just trying to be a concerned friend. hehe. bye2..

  7. hey there :)
    yes, that's exactly how i felt, and thanks for understanding >.<
    Well I'm so glad everybody support me :)
    Yes, I'm trying to build up my strength and completely change everything, just hope for the best eh.
    Thanks again for the advice :)xoxo

  8. helloo,
    as your friend, i'll always pray for you. But remember you yourself have to find the strength within you. If wearing tudung is a big step then start small. stop doing lil things that you feel brings you far from Allah. then gradually move on to bigger things like wearing socks, hijab and etc. Theres a hadith or a verse i'm not sure but it sounds something like this; If you walk to Allah, He'll run to you. All you need is to make some effort and He'll definitely help you with your journey to become a better person!

  9. Thank you for your advice Zuhad, and the Hadith is wonderful, I'll hold on to it. Thanks again friend :)

  10. a man wanted to change at 12 but he died at 11..take baby steps dear
