Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Masih Keliru.

Sepatutnya sekarang ni semua orang dah tetapkan dalam hati masing-masing course apa mereka nak ambil, lagipun borang UPU semua dah isi. Dah ada yang masuk University. Either private or under any scholar. Sekurang-kurangnya everyone dah nampak lah siapa mereka 10 tahun akan datang.

Sejujurnya, saya ni jenis yang mudah terpengaruh. Memang dalam hati dah ada niat nak sangat pursue Medicine. Medicine medicine medicine. *sigh*. Tapi fikir-fikir balik, dengan course yang agak susah ni, time-constraint nya lagi. I macam kena fikir 2 or 3 kali nak ambik ke tak. But borang UPU, of course most of my choice of Uni semua nak pursue course Medic. But lately, I've been thinking about a job, maybe some of you might laugh at me. Some of you might underestimate me perhaps? Even my parents look down on me when I said I'm considering another course beside Medic. What is it? Lol, I can't believe I'm saying this. But I'm thinking of being a Veterinary. Yes yes, medic jugak kan, tapi for animal :D                                                            

Source: Google Image
The thing is, I like reading articles about health and stuff. But day after days, my passion towards animal lagi kuat lah :3 Maybe holiday dekat Ireland makes me like that. Sebab dekat sini, rasa close to nature. Dengan lots of cute animal nya lagi. But I'm not sure yet, because fikir tak ramai orang ambik this course and peluang pekerjaannya lagi. *sigh* Actually, this is one of my dream job since I kecik lagi. I memang jenis suka binatang. Dulu pernah bela banyak jenis animal. From sea fishes, sampailah ayam serama cantik. I really want to feel close to them, learn their behavior, and help them. Impian since kecik ni.Haha. 

But, apa-apa pun, semuanya rely on my SPM result. If result okay, maybe boleh try Medic, insyaAllah :) I really hope I boleh dapat good result. Amin. 


  1. tika igt x dlu kte wat presentation dlm kelas tu mase subject sivik ckgu hasrul....hehe..
    *aq pun x tahu nk pilih ape skrg*

  2. Ingat!! Marine biologist kan? Best jugak, interact dgn nature jugak kan!! Pening kan nak pilih apa. Depends result lah ;/

    1. tu lah...the thing is, aq dh mcm
      'ok confirm ni course yg aq nk buat'
      dkat 5 6 kali dah..in d end tukar fikiran...aduh~!

    2. Sama kot. Kau nak ambik course apa? Aku taktau lah, tengok result lah dulu ;(

  3. Samaaaa, dulu pun I teringin gila nak jd vet. Pastu tiba-tiba impian tu pudar dimakan zaman, haha :D

    1. asal pudar babe? I rasa second choice i nak ambik lah course medic for animal. sebab tak ramai melayu kan ambik.
