Sejujurnya, saya ni jenis yang mudah terpengaruh. Memang dalam hati dah ada niat nak sangat pursue Medicine. Medicine medicine medicine. *sigh*. Tapi fikir-fikir balik, dengan course yang agak susah ni, time-constraint nya lagi. I macam kena fikir 2 or 3 kali nak ambik ke tak. But borang UPU, of course most of my choice of Uni semua nak pursue course Medic. But lately, I've been thinking about a job, maybe some of you might laugh at me. Some of you might underestimate me perhaps? Even my parents look down on me when I said I'm considering another course beside Medic. What is it? Lol, I can't believe I'm saying this. But I'm thinking of being a Veterinary. Yes yes, medic jugak kan, tapi for animal :D
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But, apa-apa pun, semuanya rely on my SPM result. If result okay, maybe boleh try Medic, insyaAllah :) I really hope I boleh dapat good result. Amin.
tika igt x dlu kte wat presentation dlm kelas tu mase subject sivik ckgu hasrul....hehe..
ReplyDelete*aq pun x tahu nk pilih ape skrg*
Ingat!! Marine biologist kan? Best jugak, interact dgn nature jugak kan!! Pening kan nak pilih apa. Depends result lah ;/
ReplyDeletetu lah...the thing is, aq dh mcm
Delete'ok confirm ni course yg aq nk buat'
dkat 5 6 kali d end tukar fikiran...aduh~!
Sama kot. Kau nak ambik course apa? Aku taktau lah, tengok result lah dulu ;(
DeleteSamaaaa, dulu pun I teringin gila nak jd vet. Pastu tiba-tiba impian tu pudar dimakan zaman, haha :D
ReplyDeleteasal pudar babe? I rasa second choice i nak ambik lah course medic for animal. sebab tak ramai melayu kan ambik.