Monday, September 30, 2013

emo post

I am the type of girl who is easily influenced by songs & lyrics.
"Run" by Leona Lewis is playing in my iPod right now. 
Sad lyrics, sad rhythm. 

Call me a dramatic but I could relate some things to the lyrics. Things that I don't want to remember. Things that I barely acknowledge as memories. Things that I forgot I had once. 
And fuck me, it's only 3.46 p.m. I'm disobeying the law of being emotional. Haha, not saying that there is a fixed time to emo. But, come to think of it, who the hell emo in the evening? After class some more. Okay, I believe that's not the issue.

Seriously, I just want to get over this phase. It's been some time since I had those butterflies in my tummy kinda thing. I'm not interested to experience it again, for now. Really. But, feelings are inevitable. I tried to push it away but degil sangat datang balik at times :( 

I think I'm just playing my role as a girl, a teenage girl with unstable emotion really well huh.

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