Saturday, January 7, 2012

You Da One

Now this is what I defined as music. 

Regarding to the video, it's obviously a love song. So it sync with what I'm gonna write tonight, love, lol this is awkward.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is from my point of view.

Love is subjective. Love is such a big word, with a deep and big meaning. Lucky those people who are blessed with two eyes not only can see physical things but also can see love in the air, lalalala. So, I'm going to narrow the definition of love, which is love towards the opposite sex (sounds a bit formal there..)

Every people has different opinion on love towards the opposite sex. Some people are so against this type of love due to certain reason, which I would not tell because this may cause sensitive issue. But some people are so into this kind of love until they did not know how to control it thus leading to a sinned word, "Lust". Extremely positive and Extremely negative, or in between? Like seriously, nobody will going to give instruction to you or ask you to choose whichever path you want. It's all lies in you. Whether you want to make a good outcome from your love or a bad one. Need to say more about the outcomes? 

Say, if you're too obsessed with this type of love, you're willing to do like almost anything for this love. ANYTHING. Abandoning your obligations towards your religion (life and death issue), family, friends, works, study and almost everything that has to do with your life. I've seen people like this before, and trust me, this love will never going to work. You can't focus on one thing too much. You need those Dynamic Equilibrium, not in Physics only, but in Life too. You get what I mean? 

And vice versa. (lol sorry for being too lazy to write but I'm sure you guys know)

Friends, I know you guys already know all the pro(s) and con(s) if you are giving commitment to this kind of love. This is just a reminder.

And especially to the kids who are still studying but you can't help but to fall in love with someone, it's okay as long as you won't neglect your studies. You need to open your eyes and learn how to prioritize things. Study is the utmost important things (after your obligations to God and family of course). This is the phase which will going to determine what you are going to be in the next 10 years and so on. That is why you have to put your studies above your girlfriend or boyfriend in your list. Hold on there, God will gives you chances to hunt for your true love. 

Remember, God already plans what's the best for you!
