Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Brain death is the irreversible end of all brain activity due to total necrosis of the cerebral neurons following loss of brain oxygenation. Necrosis in a simpler language is the death of cells. By looking at the words 'Brain Death', you obviously know the meaning.

Why am I posting about brain death? Well, maybe because I just faced with a really close brain-death experience. Only God knows how grateful I am. Brain death can occur if you hit your head really hard. At first, it might seems nothing. You might seems okay. But the effect is afterwards. Have you watch Grey's Anatomy? I don't remember which episodes. But it was about two sisters involved in accident. They were admitted to the hospital. They can still argue, blaming each other. Both seems really fine, just bruises here and there. But after that, her sister suddenly had epilepsy (if I'm not mistaken) and bloods running down her nose. The doctors brought her to the surgical room. And yes, she was brain-dead. Meaning her brain is dead ( isn't that obvious ), but her organs are still working perfectly. And usually the organs can be donated to the needy.

So, back to my story. I was cleaning my toilet this morning. My bad, I didn't wear the anti-slip slipper. Just bare foot. Scrubbing the toilet floor like a makcik. Maybe I put too much Kiwi Kleen, and the floor becomes too slippery. I scrub and scrub when suddenly I don't know why my feet lost its balance. For a second, I can't feel the floor. And I feel like I'm flying. I swear my heart stopped beating that time. I closed my eyes, praying Oh God please save me. Luckily, Adrenaline flowed through my body. That makes my body stronger, more alert. Upon landing my head first to the floor (haha) my hand, as fast as lightning, grabbed the bath tub holder. Ya Allah, thanks for that, I managed to avoid my head from hitting the floor first and received all the impact from my body. It was still painful, since my body landed first. But syukur, my head was okay, tergantung liddat since I sempat hold the bath tub holder. If not, my head would hit the floor yang keras so bad, and receive the impact from my body sangat banyak. Syukur, syukur. If not, I could become sewel by now, maybe some part of my brain will be injured? Ya Allah, thanks for giving me a chance to live :')

Yes, you might think its no big deal. Jatuh dekat toilet? Biasa lah tu. As a scientific student, I don't see it like that. I always think about the long term effect. How would it affect my head if I hit really hard? How would it affect my thinking? and etc etc. So yeah, it is kinda big deal.

And anyway, I'm suffering from body aching now, probably the long term effect after hitting my body really hard. But no problem, Yoko Yoko to the rescue.
Till then.


  1. it's ironic. you love cats and have cat's reflexes. lucky you

  2. Hahaha, does that makes me a cat lady? lol

  3. I penah kena like that too! my housemate kat INTEC bought sliper yang licin nak mampus and it really scares me everytime I almost fall, so I totally understand how you feel. haha. Anyways, get well soon from the pain, dear :)

  4. Hehe, sakit kan nina!! Seriously. hee, thank youu :) i pakai yoko yoko now, okay sikit haha
